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holidays for children in South Tyrol

Pension Sonnenhof

The Pension Sonnenhof in the sunny South Tyrolean holiday village of Maranza is the perfect location for an adventurous holiday for children surrounded by high mountains. The bright and friendly family rooms offer a comfortable place to stay for all family members and the largest outdoor adventure playground, the unspoilt mountains of South Tyrol, awaits you right on the doorstep. Many excursion destinations and leisure activities in Maranza and the surrounding area will have your children’s hearts beat faster. In Rio di Pusteria you will find a mini golf course, while the fun and adventure pool ‘Alpinpool’ offers a varied water world close to your accommodation. A variety of themed hiking trails and mountain bike trails lead across the alpine plateau in Maranza.

Freizeitspaß für Kinder mit der Almencard in meransen 2

Leisure fun for children

with the Almencard

A fun, exciting holiday activity for little explorers is a carriage ride through Maranza. On this trip, children get a completely new impression of the mountain world in the ski and alpine region Gitschberg Val Giovo. An experienced coachman accompanies the children almost any location in the South Tyrolean holiday paradise of Maranza on the sun-drenched alpine plateau at the entrance to the Pusteria Valley. The journey takes you past flower-strewn meadows and through deep forests. Usually, two Noriker horses will pull the carriage. This breed is particularly strong and enduring, and the horses perform their duties reliably even in difficult terrain. The children are allowed to pet the horses and the coachman is happy to let the kids take command for a while. The horses can be encouraged to run faster by shouting and the coach driver will tell you all kinds of interesting details about the mountain world.

Freizeitspaß für Kinder mit der Almencard in meransen

Krixly Kraxly Climbing Garden

Climbing course for children with the Almencard

Krixly Kraxly – it’s all in the name. What better way to discover the South Tyrolean mountains than an introductory course in outdoor climbing? Children love variety and adventure on holiday, and at the weekly Krixly Kraxly course in Valles, young holidaymakers aged between 5 and 9 learn how to use ropes, hooks, and carabiners in a fun way. Starting point is the valley station Val Giovo. Accompanied by state-certified mountain guides, you will visit specially prepared playgrounds in the heart of the South Tyrolean mountains. After an introduction by the specialist staff, the kids take their first steps at a low height above the ground. Of course, the children are well always secured, and the mountain guides check the functionality of the equipment before each child-friendly climbing tour.

das sonnendorf meransen urlaub auf dem hochplateau im eisacktal4

“Kletterhetz” (Climbing Fun)
Gitschberg – Val Giovo

Climbing adventure for older children

The name “Kletterhetz” (climbing fun) describes an exciting event for children between the ages of 10 and 14 in the South Tyrolean ski and alpine region of Gitschberg / Val Giovo. Meeting point: Lodge Kurzkofelhütte in Valles. The climbing course does not focus on top sporting performance. Rather, it is about overcoming fear and gaining self-knowledge. Well secured, the children walk across wobbly suspension bridges and balance on ropes. The equipment is provided by the organizer and the instructions are given by experienced climbing experts. The climbing courses take place once a week between June and October under the guidance of trained mountain guides.

Kinderkutschenfahrt durch Meransen2

Vacation fun
for young explorers

Carriage ride for children through Maranza

A fun, exciting holiday activity for little explorers is a carriage ride through Maranza. On this trip, children get a completely new impression of the mountain world in the ski and alpine region Gitschberg Val Giovo. An experienced coachman accompanies the children almost any location in the South Tyrolean holiday paradise of Maranza on the sun-drenched alpine plateau at the entrance to the Pusteria Valley. The journey takes you past flower-strewn meadows and through deep forests. Usually, two Noriker horses will pull the carriage. This breed is particularly strong and enduring, and the horses perform their duties reliably even in difficult terrain. The children are allowed to pet the horses and the coachman is happy to let the kids take command for a while. The horses can be encouraged to run faster by shouting and the coach driver will tell you all kinds of interesting details about the mountain world.

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Free carriage ride for children

included in the Almencard Plus

With the Almencard, which all guests at the Pension Sonnenhof receive upon arrival, the children’s carriage ride through Maranza is free of charge. The event takes place every Friday and on their return from the mountains you will see the children’s eyes shining. You may also book a romantic carriage ride in summer or an exciting sleigh ride in winter for the entire family right here with us. We will organize the excursion and inform you about departure times. Discover the South Tyrolean mountains from a new perspective and be enchanted by the high alpine mountain scenery.

Bauernhof hautnah erleben Kinderferien in Südtirol

Discover farm life

Holidays for children in South Tyrol

Life on a farm is fascinating for many children. There are countless discoveries to be made and the many animals bring a sparkle to children’s eyes. Petting calves, feeding rabbits, and watching the farmer milking the cows – life never gets boring on a South Tyrolean farm. Every Wednesday, our youngest guests have the opportunity to experience and get to know genuine and authentic farm life. On Wednesday we visit the mountain farm Ahrner-Berghof in Rodengo, where the cows produce delicious alpine milk. With fun and games around the stables and farm, time flies. The guests may get to know young calves and listen to entertaining stories in the hay and straw. The children learn exciting details about the sometimes-challenging life of the South Tyrolean mountain farmers in earlier times and discover the varied life on the farm from their own experience.

Of course, many farm products are produced on a South Tyrolean farm and the kids are welcome to try the homemade butter at the mountain farm Ahrner-Berghof.

Kindererlebnistag am Bauernhof auf Peer.tv

almencard gitschberg jochtal 1


Free of charge for our guests with a variety of options…
